
Request a free demo

Fill out the form to request a free, personalized demo. One of our experts will guide you to discover Kamzan in an ecosystem dedicated to you!

“Il Vantaggio maggiormente rilevato da quando abbiamo implementato Kamzan è sicuramente la possibilità di condividere i documenti verso i clienti in tempo reale, garantendo la tracciabilità delle operazioni effettuate ed evitando inutili ridondanze anche nella condivisione interna.”


What will we show you in the demo?

We spend the first few minutes of the demo listening to your needs so that we can best tailor the service demonstration to what you really need.

What will we always show you?

  • Kamzan totally customized on your visual identity.
  • Our data protection policy.
  • Types of users Standard/Administrator, Guest and possibly External and how they operate in the platform.
  • Types of sharing: internal, via email and via public link.
  • The functionality of internal sharing permissions and blocks.
  • All the features that best suit your needs.
  • Electronic signing of documents.
  • Activity section with logs of everything that happened to files.
  • Auditor’s role.
  • Integrated Meeting app, calendar, contacts and collaborative editor on documents.

What does Kamzan’s “basic” package include?

Each Kamzan “basic” package always includes all features and provides 3 Administrator and 50 Guest users to enable your business to share documents in a structured way with customers, partners and suppliers.
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Grazie per la tua richiesta

Il modulo è stato inviato con successo, il nostro Team ti ricontatterà nel più breve tempo possibile. Ti ricordiamo che per ogni necessità puoi sempre contattarci a hello@kamzan.com